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31 October 2024
Duesseldorf, Germany
B2B @ Deutsch-Finnisches Business Forum 2024
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Open until 31 October 2024

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B2B @ Deutsch-Finnisches Business Forum 2024

Inspiring plenary sessions, informative workshops and targeted meetings promise knowledge gain and new business contacts.

Energy issues are pivotal questions of our time. Both advancing climate change and the energy crisis in Europe in 2022/23 make this clear: We need to switch to an economy that works without fossil fuels. Part of this is using energy as efficiently as possible in order to make the best possible use of the energy produced. Post-fossil energies and energy efficiency also contribute to the energy independence of third countries.

We are bringing together Finnish and German companies as well as representatives from politics and public institutions on this topic - at the German-Finnish Business Forum 2024 on 31 October in Düsseldorf.

We want to make progress together on current energy issues and facilitate mutual cooperation.

We cordially invite you to join us! On this site, you can register for B2B-Meetings at the Businessforum.

Topics addressed?

  • post-fossile economy
  • post-fossile fuels
  • technology & infrastructure
  • security & resilience

Only open to registered participants! Please make sure to register for the business forum to book your seat for the whole event: https://ahkfinnland.de/events/...


Classic Remise Düsseldorf
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